IPC course – introduction to permaculture + clay plaster workshop (postponed)
Practical and interactive course to help you see the natural cycles, understand permaculture principles and decide how to use them in everyday life.
This course is a standard and recognized “entry” to the permaculture education, and will enable you to continue with advanced courses anywhere in the world.
We always include some practical parts into the programme, so that students can learn in “hands-on” examples.
Please note: if you are interested to be invited to the CLAY PLASTER PART of this event, please contact the venue coordinator by email, and we will let you know the date later this year. THANKS for understanding, Helen helen.vodrazkova@gmail.com
- You will learn
- permaculture ethics
- permaculture principles
- practical examples of how to use permaculture principles in design and in everyday life
- how nature works
- secrets of the soil and soil organisms natural building techniques
- with practicals
- EDIBLE WEEDS – recognising and eating wild and cultivated herbs
- land observing techniques
- SUNDAY will be dedicated to practical workshop of earth plaster (clay plaster aka cob) from local materials, which was started last year
The venue – the course will take place at the Eco-Experience Center and Community Garden Divočina, located in the picturesque village of Malešov near Kutná Hora. Divočina encompasses 2.5 hectares of orchards, meadows, forests, and a community garden. The Eco-Center Divočina focuses on experiential education in ecology and English, organizing various courses, camps, eco-programs, and more.
Food will be provided during the whole weekend and will be vegan and organic.
Accommodation options (choose in the application or as you arrive)
Teepee with wooden flooring for 3 people (sleeping mat + sleeping bag)
Caravan for 1-2 people (sleeping bag)
Wooden building with two rooms for 3 people each (sleeping bag) + attic for 6 people (sleeping mat + sleeping bag)
It is also possible to stay in your own tent or at a nearby guesthouse (arrange on your own).
Teacher – Katka Horackova, DAPD, permaculture designer and teacher, vegan and permaculture activist, seed-saver, ayurvedic balm-maker, with many years of experience with volunteering and community living, works with Akademie permakultury CR,, also chair of Czech permaculture Association PermakulturaCS, www.permakulturacs.cz
more information : helen.vodrazkova@gmail.com or 00420 775 378 246